Quick Back-to-School Breakfasts: The Glory of Overnight Oats

Quick Back-to-School Breakfasts: The Glory of Overnight Oats

We don’t even have kids nor do we have anyone in the house that is going “back to school,” and yet the energy of this time of year is infectious. There is an upsurge in traffic at certain times of the day, office supply stores are swamped, and late afternoon grocery store trips become more of a hassle than usual. I think the back to school hustle and bustle affects us all, no? I notice the morning light beginning to change, and for some reason breakfast can start to seem like more and more of a challenge or chore. But then you remember overnight oats.



butterscotch pudding popsicles

butterscotch. pudding. popsicles.

[It’s Popsicle Week, wherein I admit that I had something of a popsicle incident this summer, wherein incident = gotta a little carried away, made too many and now can’t let summer end without sharing the queue with you. This is Popsicle 2 of 3.]

Once you realize that popsicles are more than juice, frozen on a stick, but are in fact a format in which to reformat your favorite desserts, things go downhill. I mean, one minute, you’re slurping your summer away on fairly innocent banana purees and there’s not a thing on earth you would change, and the next minute, you’re wondering why none of your so-called loved ones have ever loved you enough to make you a strawberry cheesecake popsicles (something I came soclose to making last week but my husband begged me to give our freezer a break). I may have even assembled the ingredients for tiramisu popsicles before realizing that my husband had a point, that maybe things were getting out of hand? But it was too late for the butterscotch popsicles, which were already setting up in the freezer, and after he tried one, all the arguments stopped.

this is all you'll need to make butterscotch
this is how we make butterscotch sauce

Of course, who likes butterscotch pudding, anyway? I mean, yeech, right? Brown sugar, butter, cream and sea salt bubble together until dark and syrupy with the complex notes of everything worthwhile in this world (vanilla, brown butter, aged bourbon, kittens) then expanded with milk and a little thickener into a pudding that sets as it cools. I cannot imagine anything worse to eat. In Opposite Land.

this is butterscotch

… Read the rest of butterscotch pudding popsicles on smittenkitchen.com

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Octopus Salad (Ensalada de Pulpo)

Have you ever tried octopus? It tastes a lot like calamari, just meatier, which makes sense given that octopus is sort of like a giant squid. One of my favorite dishes in the whole world is Mexican octopus salad, or “ensalada de pulpo”, with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cilantro, and chiles. It’s fabulous as a side or topped over tacos or tostadas. It’s been on my list of things to make for years, but octopus isn’t exactly easy to find at the local markets around here. Lo and behold last week they appeared at the Whole Foods down the street, woo hoo! Thank you Whole Foods, for encouraging the adventurous among us.

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Octopus Salad (Ensalada de Pulpo)

Have you ever tried octopus? It tastes a lot like calamari, just meatier, which makes sense given that octopus is sort of like a giant squid. One of my favorite dishes in the whole world is Mexican octopus salad, or “ensalada de pulpo”, with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cilantro, and chiles. It’s fabulous as a side or topped over tacos or tostadas. It’s been on my list of things to make for years, but octopus isn’t exactly easy to find at the local markets around here. Lo and behold last week they appeared at the Whole Foods down the street, woo hoo! Thank you Whole Foods, for encouraging the adventurous among us.

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