Here’s What You Really Need to Stock up on for the Blizzard — Great Blizzard of 2015

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If you haven’t heard, there’s a crazy blizzard about to bear down on the Northeast. An estimated two feet of snow will cover the ground, transportation will come to a halt, and grocery store shelves will be ravaged of Nutella, jelly doughnuts, and frozen pizza. Are you prepared?

Here’s what you really need to add to your shopping list before you hunker down at home for the next day or two.


caramelized onion and gruyère biscuits

caramelized onion and gruyere biscuits

We’ve been on a huge breakfast-for-dinner kick this winter and while I’d like to tell you it has been triggered by earnest, respectable inclinations such as the fact that scrambled eggs, toast, and whatever vegetables or citrus salad we can scrounge up from the fridge for dinner is budget-minded, high in protein, fairly balanced and wholesome, the truth is that it’s been mostly about laziness. Once we figured out that our kid would now not only eat scrambled eggs but be excited to see them on the table [although, let’s be honest, doubly so if he can also talk us into freshly squeezing orange juice or a few slices of bacon], a whole world of unplanned dinners were opened up to us. We now can go all the way to 15 minutes before dinner to come up with a plan for it, which for me is meal-planning equivalent of the heavens opening up and glorifying all of my late-afternoon lethargy. I knew this day would eventually come!

two small yellow onions

It’s also led to all sorts of diversions, usually in the quickbread department. Last week, I unearthed a recipe for caramelized onion and gruyère biscuits — that’s right, the butter, buttermilk and baking soda equivalent of French onion soup — I’d bookmarked last year and couldn’t find a single reason not to make them once I realized that they’d be a pan of eggs and a small salad away from a completely respectable weeknight dinner. Nobody warns you about this, but sometimes the problem with ostensibly passing as an adult is that there’s nobody there to question you when you decide everyone can eat biscuits for dinner.

onions, to caramelize halfway therejust about done cooling the onions outside

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Recipe: Chili with Pasta and Cheddar — Recipes from The Kitchn

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They say the sense of smell is the biggest memory trigger, but I have to argue that the sense of taste is right up there. I present you with this evidence: the 1998 Super Bowl, my parent’s living room, an oversized cheese head (yes, a hat constructed of foam cheese), and a bowl of steaming chili, heaped with a generous dusting of sharp Wisconsin cheddar.


This Is How You Pretend to Have Stainless Steel Appliances — Kitchen Inspiration

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Let me tell you a story: Once upon a time you dreamed you had stainless steel appliances in your kitchen, but no amount of wishing made it so. There was no money and no space to replace, so you said, ‘fine, I’m resigned.’ (And you rhymed while you pined.)

Then a brilliant idea fell out of the sky — well, no it actually came from a lifestyle blog called Coordinately Yours by Julie Blanner — and it changed everything. As the saying goes, fake it till you make it. Take one last look at that decidedly not stainless-steel dishwasher above, and then prepare to be awed.