baked brie with garlic butter mushrooms

Welcome to the decadent meal I dream about every late December, when I want even simple foods to feel festive. Yes, I am seriously making the argument that baked brie should be a dinner dish. Or, if not dinner, maybe a luxe part of it, so perfect for this blustery, celebratory time of year. For dinner you might eat this with a big green salad and a cup of soup. You might set this out as a side dish with a big roast. You might put it out as part of a party spread too, an oasis of savory among all of the cookies and molten cakes.

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The 10-in-1 Cleaning Tool That Hundreds of Kitchn Readers Bought This Year (It’s on Sale)

When I took my first vacation since before the pandemic, I returned home to find my apartment was a mess. After spending a week in an airy, spotless hotel room, I was now standing in a tiny studio where the floors looked dull and dirty, the shelves were dusty, and the whole space felt cluttered. While I vacuum and dust regularly, I realized that after nearly two years of spending more time at home (including working from home), my apartment desperately needed a much deeper cleaning.