These Are the Groceries You Should Shop Around For — The Grocery Insider

When things get busy in grocery stores, it’s all hands on deck. In my grocery days, the siren call from Sarge (the nickname for the drill sergeant-like cashier in charge of the intercom system) could be heard through the store and into the corporate offices: ALL CASHIERS AND CARRYOUTS TO THE FRONT, PLEASE. The “please” at the end was code for “everyone.” And so I’d go to the registers, bag groceries, and load trunks with paper sacks of specialty cheeses, gluten-free crackers, and Meyer lemons.

Whatever joy I’d had in realizing that my promotional email about cave-aged Gruyere worked would be destroyed when I saw the other inhabitants of the trunk: paper towels peeked out of Target bags, frozen dinners spilled from a reusable Trader Joe’s bag, and cases of Diet Coke donned the iconic “I’ve been Krogering” sticker.