A Visual Guide to the 7 Major Types of Canned Tomatoes — Ingredient Intelligence

A lot of recipes rely on canned tomatoes for flavor, acidity, richness, liquid, and so much more. Canned tomatoes are definitely a pantry staple we can’t live without, especially when it’s the middle of winter and there aren’t any good fresh tomatoes to be found.

The canned tomato aisle at the grocery store is pretty impressive, with so many varieties and brands competing for your attention. How is each kind made, and how is it best used?


10 Easy Ways to Turn a Wasa Cracker into Lunch — Three-Ingredient Upgrades

Do you know Wasa crackers? These crunchy, whole-grain crispbreads are a mild yet sturdy cracker with a touch of earthy flavor. And that is precisely what makes them the perfect base for lunch. Think of these cracker combos like an open-faced sandwich, or tartine, but way more exciting.

Ready to up your lunch game? Here are 10 easy and delicious ways to turn any type of Wasa cracker (or another style or brand of savory cracker) into lunch. All it takes is three everyday ingredients.


10 Smart Places to Put a Pot Rack — Kitchen Inspiration

When storage space is at a premium in the kitchen (or any room, for that matter), you’ve got to think vertically. We love hanging racks for pots and pans; they ensure your cookware doesn’t take up valuable cabinet or drawer space, and give purpose to spaces that would otherwise likely go unused.

If you’re unsure where a hanging rack would fit in your kitchen, take a look at these 10 hot spots where a rack just fits.


Recipe: Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai — Quick Weeknight Dinner Recipes from The Kitchn

I’ve always viewed spaghetti squash — with its clever, noodle-like interior — as a fun party trick, always surprising both for its ability to reasonably mimic pasta and how satisfying the results can be. It’s good, sure, but it’s also never really had a “wow” moment for me.

Now, let me introduce you to this pad Thai. This dish has “wow” written all over it. It’s tangy and savory in all the right places; it’s crunchy and chewy and tender, all together. It has all the hallmarks of your favorite take-out pad Thai — except those spaghetti squash noodles are the star of the show.


The Instant Oatmeal Taste Test: We Tried 6 Brands and Here’s Our Favorite — Grocery Taste Test

Now that we’re all back to school and back to work, the mornings feel a lot more rushed than they did back in July. These days it’s all about speed and convenience. Whether you’re eating breakfast at home or on the go, packets of instant oatmeal are handy to keep around. Add water or milk and give them a few minutes in the microwave or on the stovetop, and you’re good to go.

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, members of our office tried six national brands of regular, unflavored instant oatmeal. We’re sharing our thoughts on all six brands, as well as our most favorite type of instant oats in the bunch. Want to see our top pick?


The Kitchn Baking School Is Coming to You This October! — The Kitchn Baking School

20 Days, 20 Lessons to Become a Better Baker

Do you dream of pastry? Do you love all baked goodies, but wish you could just once and for all perfect your layer cakes and chocolate chip cookies? Ever wonder just what all the fuss is about puff pastry? Welcome to The Kitchn Baking School — a 20-day program in the style of our immensely popular Cooking School. Baking School starts October 5 — sign up today!