spring chicken salad toasts

spring chicken salad toasts

If taking cubes of chicken and other things chosen for their ability to hold up in a deli case and suspending them in a thick dressing of mayo and seasonings is the winter coat of chicken salad, this is the cardigan, which is to say, I hope everyone is as happy to see it as I am. I live for cardigan weather.

what I used
a few vegetable ideas

While I don’t have any tremendous gripe with traditional chicken salad (yes, even with mayo; I save my contempt for curry powder and raisins), I have forever had little love or tolerance for white meat. The archives here are thick with my referring to breast cutlets as pressed sawdust and worse; it could never be argued that I don’t know how to form an opinion. Thus, it surprises nobody more than me that I want to eat these everyday for the rest of my life, or at least the next month, and all it took was shifting the way we usually emphasize ingredients.


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There’s a chickpea and sweet potato patty laced with the sweet heat of Sriracha, and a beet-based veggie burger that owes its savory essence to smoked paprika. If you’re looking for a wrap, an arugula, chickpea, and apple situation can be whipped up with ingredients you probably already have on hand. Here are 21 reasons we think you need to kick meatless Monday off with a sandwich in hand.


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